Stocks Lane Primary School

Believe Encourage Succeed Together

Adverse Weather




From time to time the weather in Queensbury and its surrounding areas can be quite severe! On these occasions it is unfortunate that we have to make the very difficult decision to close the school in order to keep our children, families and staff safe for harm whilst travelling to or from school.

Our procedures for adverse weather are outlined below:

  • A text message and a Dojo message will be sent to all parents and carers as soon as a decision to close the school has been made. Please ensure that any changes of contact numbers are provided to the school office as soon as possible. 
  • Once a decision has been made to close, it is placed on Bradford Schools Online

 School closures can be viewed at

 Please also see local news/radio for up dates on closures in bad weather. 

 If heavy snow occurs during the school day, any decision to close will be announced via text messaging and the Dojo system.